The sun will shine again.
The warmth will reach your heart, and the
rays will once again penetrate.
And until that happens, we can help you navigate your new reality.
Our Tapestry Magazine
It’s the publication that connects thousands of families that have suffered a loss, bringing endless chizuk to bereaved families throughout the world.
It inspires. It teaches. It uplifts. It reaches.
The features and writers are carefully selected to make sure the publication maintains an uplifting and encouraging vibe.
There’s guidance form therapists. Chizuk from Rabbis.
Reflections from those in the trenches.
It’s an informative mix of high quality reading for the entire family.

To Our Tapestry,
Is there a language that can convey feelings of the heart? When I receive the magazine Our Tapestry, I am full of emotion. I have such admiration for both of you giving chizuk to so many. I have very deep and strong emotions even though years have passed since I lost my precious children a”h. When I opened your latest issue (#27) and started reading the editorial my heart started to pound. I was overcome with such intense feelings of yearning. My daughter Malkie a”h was a teacher. The day before she was killed in the car accident she taught her students the song “Neshamale” by Abie Rottenberg. Your opening paragraph was about that song. I felt such hashgacha pratis. It shows how Hashem sends us little reminders that He is always with us. My brocha to you is that you may have continued siyata d’Shmaya and hatzlacha to continue doing your great avodas Hashem of bringing comfort, easing the pain, and giving chizuk to so many.
Rebbetzin Sarah Meisels

My Outlet
Every member of the family is affected by loss in their own unique way.
Siblings are no exception.
Directed and executed by siblings that have suffered a loss, My Outlet is a periodical magazine geared to bereaved siblings.
It’s a safe place to vent, to gain knowledge, to be heard and to hear from others.
My Outlet is a targeted magazine catered to an often overlooked category of mourners. The siblings.

I myself lost a brother. I remember getting the Our Tapestry magazine and finding so much solace in it. I would write things and submit it. Seeing it in print and knowing that it comforted others was the most therapeutic feeling for me. Writing releases emotions and I felt blessed that others can get chizuk from it as well. On the other hand, since the emotions are different for siblings I felt the need to get involved in an offshoot platform, a safe space for siblings in particular. That’s what My Outlet is all about. I’m happy to be a contributor and to reap the rewards at the same time.
Devorah Saull

Yahrzeit Cards
Even as time passes and the healing process begins, the day of the yahrzeit is hard. It brings up the pain and the longing with an agonizing intensity.
Our Tapestry understands that and wants to be there on that difficult day.
A beautiful card with a personal, heartfelt message reaches every bereaved family on the day of their child’s yartzeit.
A loving gesture to help ease the pain and show our love.
A token of support.

To the Most Amazing Women of Our Tapestry,
I want to tell you how nice the yahrzeit cards are. Even though we know it may be coming in the mail, when the card actually arrives (and always on the exact day – how do you pull that off?), it is like a soothing balm. The poem is always precisely what I need to hear, especially this year. For some reason this was a harder yahrzeit. Maybe it was because our family couldn’t have our traditional yahrzeit Shabbos together, although we did have a Zoom siyum. Or maybe it was because this year has been so strange, and the yahrzeit day was full of sorrow and longing. Usually, on the yahrzeit, I feel so connected to Chaim Yaakov, but this time we were just so sad and missed him so. I keep thinking how stressed I would be now if Chaim Yaakov were alive and I was trying to protect him from coronavirus. Funny how my mind works. But that yarhrzeit card really hit the mark. Thank you.

WhatsApp/Text Groups
There is nothing more comforting and validating than connecting to others that are going through a similar challenge to your own.
And yes, sometimes you need a listening ear at 2:00 a.m., encouragement at 7:00 p.m., or a kvetching partner at midnight.
Our WhatsApp/Text groups ensure that there will always be someone out there that will respond to your need, when you need it.
Every group serves its own specific audience.
There’s a group for recent loss, loss of a special needs child, loss as a result of mental health issues and separate groups for grandmothers and sisters.

“When a child dies by his or her own hand, or through drugs, people
might think it’s our fault, that our children chose to do something
dangerous, or that we didn’t parent them well. On this group we
validate each other’s efforts. We understand that our children had an
illness. It’s no different than cancer. People are so lost in the
beginning, and when they come onto the chat, we’re all there to tell
them that we understand. Just hearing from others who are
further along in the process, even simply realizing that people can
survive this, is critical for someone right after a loss.
A friend told me about Our Tapestry mothers’ chat. It’s a world-wide group, which is helpful because if you’re bawling your eyes out in middle of the night, someone, somewhere, is up and can be there for you.”
Goldy Goldbloom

Inspiring Events
What can be more therapeutic than getting out and gathering with like minded women and listening to words of chizuk, words of guidance and words of wisdom?
The gatherings that Our Tapestry arranges are a highlight for so many.
There’s always something inspiring happening.
A mother sharing her story, a kumzitz, a guest speaker, and recently, a Zoom gathering.
Sometimes you just want to leave it all behind and air out.
Our Tapestry provides that outlet in an uplifting environment.

Devorie Kreiman

Comfort Package
Nobody wants to be recruited to the ranks of the
bereaved. Yet there’s so much that Our Tapestry
can offer to help the family along the journey of
Broaching Our Tapestry to a family in mourning requires lots of sensitivity and care.
One couple amongst the ranks of Our Tapestry
has created a package to make newly bereaved
couples aware of Our Tapestry.
A sample magazine, helpful resources, a fuzzy
blanket, a box of chocolates and a gender
neutral memory book go along way to
introducing Our Tapestry in a gentle way.

I was sitting at the Shabbos table with my sister Chana Devorah, talking about how we can possibly help people that don’t even know about Our Tapestry. Reaching out to them can be tricky and we wouldn’t want to overwhelm them with information right at the start of their journey. The welcome package solves it all in such a sensitive way. It’s like telling the family: “We’re here. We exist. When you’re ready, you know where to find us.”
Schneur Perl

AvNet-Support for Fathers
Fathers feel pain too.
They might have different
forms of expression, but the loss is there and it’s
Under the direction of Mr. Moshe Morgenstern,
AvNet was born. A support network for bereaved
fathers, inspired by Our Tapestry.
In addition to the periodical get togethers, speakers and rock solid support system, the fathers of AvNet learn Mishnayos on the day of every yarzheit.
AvNet is also currently working on a Sefer Torah
where every parsha will be dedicated to a different child that was lost.