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Sholom Tauber’s 1st Yarzeit


Shabbos, 12 Tammuz, is the 1st yarzeit of Sholom a”h, sweet son of Menachem and Nechama Tauber.

Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Sholom a”h ben Menachem Mendel Halevi.


The Taubers are running a campaign to write a Torah for Sholom a”h. For more info and to donate, visit:



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5 Responses

  1. My heart goes out to you on your beautiful son’s first yertzheit. As a fellow mother who lost a child, I feel for you deeply. May Mashiach come and may we be united with our children soon. He should have an aliyas neshama.

  2. May the Neshama of Sholom ז״ל Ben Menachem Mendel haLevi have the highest Aliyah in Shamayim and storm the Heavens for Mashiach Tzidkaynu immediately!

  3. what a beautiful child..
    may we be reunited with all our loved ones with the coming of moshiach immediately!

  4. His Chen shines through. Absolutely gorgeous, inside and out. May his lifty neshama help bring you Nechama.

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