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Mordechai Greenes’ 3rd Yarzeit


Thursday, 3 Tammuz, is the 3rd yarzeit of Mordechai a”h, beloved son of Simi and Chaim Greenes.

Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Mordechai a”h ben Chaim Yisroel Shimon n”y.


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5 Responses

  1. such a handsome man
    how you must miss him..
    so hard!
    may we merit to be reunited with all our loved ones with the coming of moshiach immediately!

  2. May the Neshama of Mordechai been Chaim Yisroel Shimon have the highest Aliyah in Shamayim.

  3. Thinking of you on Mordy a”h yahrtzeit, and sending so much love!! May Hashem give you strength and nechama as only He can!!

    Love, Esther Sora Weinschneider

  4. What a handsome bachur.
    Sending hugs. Did you or relatives ever live in far Rockaway?

  5. Yes, his father, as well as his grandparents, r moshe and Eva greenest lived there for many years.

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