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Mendel Gitler’s 4th Yarzeit
Friday, 26 Shvat is the fourth yarzeit of Mendel Gitler a”h, sweet son of Sima and Yoel Zev Gitler.
Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Menachem Mendel a”h ben yblct”a Yoel Zev.
Friday, 26 Shvat is the fourth yarzeit of Mendel Gitler a”h, sweet son of Sima and Yoel Zev Gitler.
Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Menachem Mendel a”h ben yblct”a Yoel Zev.
Thinking of you, Sima, and wishing you nechama and menuchas hanefesh, today and every day, and that the Aibishter should give you and your husband the koichos to raise your lichtige kinderlach b’simcha, gezunterheit and in happy circumstances. Moshiach, NOW! ❤️💕❤️
There are no words really, such a beautiful boy bought you so much joy and Simcha ! When we lose a child it’s like we live on a different planet even though we need to function on this one. Know that we understand. I davened everyday that Hashem should give us Menucha’s Nefesh and help us through the pain. Be compassionate with yourself …may your other children bring you nachas and Nechama !!!! Rivki Jingreis
Oyyy!!! There are no words I can say to make you feel any better because there are none! Your adorable sons yortzait is a day after my daughter’s… so in a way i can understand what you are going through…
The only thing I can tell you is hang on… be gentle with yourself … May Hashem send you the strength you need every day and give you Nechama… ❤ sending you a hug 🫂.
what a zeezkeit!
what a powerful loss!..
may hashem guide you to be able to grieve in a way that will release suffering and bring an element of comfort