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Chaim Iluz’s 2nd Yarzeit


Tuesday, 19 Menachem Av, is the 2nd yarzeit of Chaim a”h, adorable son of Olga and Shlomo Iluz.

Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Chaim a”h ben Cheftzy.


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5 Responses

  1. Dearest shloimy and olga,

    Today on chaims yortzei we are thinking of you and praying that mashiach comes so we can be reunited with our babies.

    May his neshaama have a aliyah

  2. He was the cutest and most precious baby ever! Always loved to see his smile! And waited for him to come play in my toy room everyday. We miss all those times we’re the kids got to play together with Chaim. They continue to ask and talk about him all the time. We miss him and love him always 💗 Hashem should continue to send you guys Nechama and you should only see good we love you 💕

  3. To my wonderful brother and amazing sister in law,
    My heart aches for you. You guys are the strongest people I know. May you only have nachat and smachot. I can’t wait for moshiach to come so we can see our little chaim. We love you

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