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Chaim Aryeh Brown’s 1st Yarzeit
Wednesday, 2 Tammuz, is the 1st yarzeit of Chaim Aryeh a”h, firstborn son of Bracha and Yitzchok Brown.
Please do a mitzvah for the zechus of Chaim Aryeh Dovid Michoel a”h ben yblc”t Yitzchok Hershel.
In his mother’s words:
Chaim Aryeh was a very happy boy and had a special way of smiling! When he was happy, everyone in the room knew it. He had a unique way of expressing his emotions – particularly joy! Aryeh was almost always joyous. His joy and happiness were very infectious, affecting all those around him!
He was born with extra medical needs and spent his life going back and forth between the hospital and rehab. Aryeh was very strong, thus his name- ארי’ה- which means “lion” in Hebrew, representing strength. In addition to his being innately strong, his parents wanted to draw forth more of his inner strength!
Aryeh’s demeanor exhibited complete purity! He loved listening to niggunim, learning aleph-bais, playing with his toys and spending time with his family & nurses!
We miss his physical presence a lot. In his memory, we created Aryeh’s Special Smile. Aryeh’s Special Smile is an organization that sends a hospital care package to families with young children with extra medical needs that require frequent hospitalizations. Our aim is to provide comfort and help make these stays a bit easier. Check us out at aryehsspecialsmile.org.
Please do a mitzvah in his honor. May we all be reunited with our precious children right now! Moshiach Now!