Purim Reflections Poem
Purim Reflections By Sara Pollack [1]ואנכי הסתר אסתיר את פני As the klaf of the megilla is slowly unrolled, The tragedies of the story begin to unfold. Esther […]
Purim: In Disguise
Purim: In Disguise By Sherri Mandell To look at me, you wouldn’t know that in the central core of my being, I am in loss, in pain. You wouldn’t […]
Welcoming the Joy of Adar
Welcoming the Joy of Adar By Rabbi Moshe Weinberger “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha- When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy.” Interesting word choice. Instead of […]
Greener Pastures Lie Ahead
Greener Pastures Lie Ahead By Esther Kaplan Tu B’shvat of 5777 was on Shabbos. I will never forget that Shabbos because it was spent in Shaare Tzedek Hospital with my […]