Purim Reflections Poem
Purim Reflections By Sara Pollack [1]ואנכי הסתר אסתיר את פני As the klaf of the megilla is slowly unrolled, The tragedies of the story begin to unfold. Esther
Purim Reflections By Sara Pollack [1]ואנכי הסתר אסתיר את פני As the klaf of the megilla is slowly unrolled, The tragedies of the story begin to unfold. Esther
Purim: In Disguise By Sherri Mandell To look at me, you wouldn’t know that in the central core of my being, I am in loss, in pain. You wouldn’t
Welcoming the Joy of Adar By Rabbi Moshe Weinberger “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha- When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy.” Interesting word choice. Instead of
Greener Pastures Lie Ahead By Esther Kaplan Tu B’shvat of 5777 was on Shabbos. I will never forget that Shabbos because it was spent in Shaare Tzedek Hospital with my
Soul on a Mission A Letter of Comfort Written by the Rimnitzer Rebbetzin To the honorable and esteemed parents of habachur hatzaddik, Shaul zt”l, Sitting at my computer,
Day By Day by GSW You may have an inspirational tale You may want to take me to town You may want to help me your way When I’m
How are you Managing? By M. C. Millman It can be a good day, and it usually is when it happens. Everything is proceeding, I’m managing, I’m not overwhelmed
Surviving the Month of Tishrei… …When it’s Hard to Make it Through a Day By Leah Paley It’s that time of year again … L’Dovid Hashem Ori, blowing shofar,
I resolve… That I will grieve as much, and for as long, as I feel like grieving, and that I will not let others put a time table
Five Years Without Her By Fern Chasida Rabinovitz Sunday, the 13th of Shvat, is five years since the awful and unreal day that my daughter, Liam, died – just two